No need to worry about cheaters in this app.

Please use only ONE account in this app, we don't allow user to create multiple accounts in this app to protect our users from spammers/cheaters.

1. Our Anti-Cheat system will block your TikTok account 30 days automatically whenever you followed a TikTok account then un-followed and follow again for more coins.
2. Our Anti-Cheat system will block your TikTok account 30 days automatically whenever you liked a TikTok video then unliked and like again for more coins.
3. Your account will be banned 15 days automatically whenever you do cheat or followed then un-followed and follow again many times.
4. Your account will be banned 15 days automatically whenever you do cheat or liked then unliked and like again many times.
5. Your account will be banned 15 days if you trade coins in this app to cheat TOP user list.
6. Your account will be banned 30 days if you spam TikTok accounts in this app to farm/cheat coins.

Report cheaters or spammers

Please do report cheaters or spammers to us, we will review and ban them immediately whenever we see they are cheating or spamming in app.

1. Report

Click [Report button]
to open report form

Fill out the report form
and submit to us

2. When an user got banned, number of coins of that user will be reset, all exchanges of that user will be deleted and can not log into the app.